【遊戲】熱血三國志/Three Kingdoms : Global War 瘋狂答題中英文題庫 (持續更新)



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1. 白門樓之戰結束後劉備建議殺了誰? 

A: 呂布 (Lv Bu)

2. 是誰在皇宮井內發現了玉璽? 

A: 孫堅

3. 孫權是吳勢力的第幾代領導者? 

(Which generation of leaders is Sun Quan of state Wu?)

A: 3

4. 劉備為什麼要在晚年急攻吳國? 

(Why did Lui Bei attack the state Wu in his later years in a rush?)

A: 關羽被殺了 (Guan Yu was killed.)

5. 劉備做縣令期間,張飛怒打了什麼官職的人? 

A: 督郵

6. 曹丕的皇後是誰? 

(Who is the queen of Cao Pi?)

A: 甄姬 (Lady Zhen)

7. 劉備的坐騎是哪一匹? 

(Which of the following is Liu Bei's horse)

A: 的盧 (Lu Horse)

8. 劉備最終死在了哪裏? 

A: 白帝城

9. 總共有多少路諸侯起兵反董? 

A: 十八路

10. 誰在赤壁之戰前在東吳舌戰群儒? 

(Who had the lecturefield before the warfare at Red Cliffs?)

A: 諸葛亮 (Zhuge Liang)

11. 董卓立誰為帝? 

(Who did Dong Zhuo establish as emperor?)

A: 陳留王 (Chen Liu)

12. 誰為了讓趙雲能夠帶著劉禪突圍成功投井自盡了?

(Who killed himself in order to let Zhao Yun break through with Liu Shan?)

A: 糜夫人 (Lady Mi)

13. 陶謙幾次要求劉備擔任徐州牧劉備才接受的?

(How many times did Tao Qian ask Liu Bei to take the official position of protector of Xuzhou?)

A: 3

14. 斬顏良誅文醜是在哪場戰役?

(What is the battle of killing Yan Liang and Wen Chou?)

A: 官渡之戰 (Warfare in Guwndu)

15. 曹操與劉備煮酒論英雄,用的是什麼煮的?

(Cao Cao and Liu Bei talked about heroes while drinking wine. What utensils did they use to stew wine?)

A: 青梅 (green plum)

16. 蜀漢的最後一任皇帝是誰?

(Who is the last emperor of the state Shu?)

A: 劉禪 (Liu Shan)

17. 東吳定都在哪個城市?

A: 江寧(X)

18. 誰消滅了公孫瓚集團?

A: 袁紹

19. 漢靈帝稱誰為阿父?

A: 張讓

20. 是誰讓黃忠投向蜀漢陣營?

A: 張飛

21. 劉備領徐州牧之前誰是徐州最高長官?

A: 陶謙


(What is the name of the book that Zhang Jiao got?)

A: 太平清領書 (Taiping Jing)


A: 于吉

24. 是誰殺死了凌統的父親?

A: 甘寧

25. 漢少帝名字叫什麼?

(What is the name of young emperor of Han Dynasty?)

A: 劉辯 (Liu Bian)

26. 馬超和誰是叔姪關系?

(Whose nephew is Ma Chao?)

A: 韓遂 (Han Sui)

27. 大喬的夫君是?

(Who is Da Qiao's husband?)

A: 孫策 (Sun Ce)

28. 益州是現在的哪個城市?

(Which city was Yizhou in the past?)

A: 成都 (Cheng Du)

29. 呂布的坐騎名稱叫什麼?

A: 赤兔

30. 曹操收編了哪裏的黃巾軍?

A: 青州

31. 諸葛亮在世期間一共進行了幾次北伐?

A: 五次

32. 貂蟬是誰的義女?

A: 王允

33. 與張遼共同威震逍遙津的是哪個武將?

(Who is the hero with Zhang Liao to quell the Xiaoyaojin?)

A: 樂進 (Le Jin)

34. 董卓挾持了獻帝搬到了哪裏?

A: 長安

35. 公孫瓚的部隊叫什麼?

(What is Gongsun Zan's army called?)

A: 白馬義從 (Yicong of White horse)

36. 是誰在徐州打跑了劉備?

(Who defeat Liu Bei away in Xuzhou?)

A: 呂布 (Lv Bu)


(Who did Zhang Fei's daughter marry?)

A: 劉禪 (Liu Shan)

38. 誰是東漢末年第一個稱帝的?

A: 袁術

39. 諸葛亮一共抓住了孟獲幾次?

A: 7

40. 姜維繼承了誰的遺志?

(Whose unfulfilled wish did Jiang Wei inherit?)

A: 諸葛亮 (Zhuge Liang)

41. 劉備與誰結成了政治聯姻?

(Who did Liu Bei form a political alliance with?)

A: 孫尚香 (Sun Shangxiang)

42. 孫堅的武器的名字叫做?

(What is the name of Sun Jian's weapon?)

A: 古錠刀 (ancient ingot knife)

43. 三國結束的最終勝利者是哪個國家?

(Which country is the final winner of the Three Kingdoms?)

A: 晉 (Jin)

44. 在徐州期間張飛醉酒失去了哪個地點?

A: 徐州

45. 誰消滅了黃祖集團?

(Who killed the power Group of Huang Zu?)

A: 孫權 (Sun Quan)

46. 曹操被追封為什麼帝?

(Which emperor was Cao Cao called after his death?)

A: 魏武帝 (Wei wu di)

47. 諸葛亮的師傅是誰?

A: 司馬徽

48. 三國中最後滅亡的國家是哪一個?

A: 晉

49. 諸葛亮在街亭之戰後斬了誰?

(Who did Zhuge Liang kill after the war in Jieting?)

A: 馬謖 (Ma Su)

50. 誰在曹操的宴會上脫衣服嘲諷曹操?

(Who took off  his clothes to mock Cao Cao in his banquet?)

A: 禰衡 (Mi Heng)

51. 魏延是被誰殺死的?

A: 馬岱

52. 誰勸呂蒙多讀書?

A: 孫權

53. 孫策與誰是君子之交

(Who is Sun Ce's friend with?)

A: 太史慈 (Taishi Ci)

54. 南蠻特產的一種護甲名字是什麼?

A: 藤甲

55. 十八路討董聯軍的盟主是誰? 

(Who is the leader of thr 18 allied forces against Dong Zhuo?)

A: 袁紹 (Yuan Shao)

56. 曹操挾持漢獻帝遷都到了哪裏?

(Where did Cao Cao move the capital to by hijacking the emperor of  Han Dynasty?)

A: 許昌 (Xu Chang)

57. 蜀國五虎上將不包括?

A: 魏延


(Whose subordinate was Zhang Liaoning before he followed Cao Cao?)

A: 呂布 (Lv Bu)


(With whom Zhou Yu played the trick of having tortured to win the confidence of the enemy?)

A:  黃蓋 (Huang Gai)


(Who is Zhuge Liang's wife?)

A: 黃月英 (Huang Yueying)


(What official position did Cao Cao set for himself by hijacking the emperor of Han Dynasty?)

A:  丞相 (prime minister)

62. 諸葛亮殞落在了哪裏?

(Where did Zhuge Liang die?)

A: 五丈原 (Wuzhangyuan)


(who was the founder of Jin Dynasty?)

A:  司馬炎 (Sima Yan)

64. 呂蒙白衣渡江奪取了荊州幾個郡?

(How many counties in Jing Zhou did Lv Meng seized?)

A: 3個 (three)


(Where did Pang Tong die?)

A: 落鳳坡 (Fallen Phoenix Slope)

66. 曹操從匈奴奪回了誰?

(Who did Cao Cao take back from Xiongnu?)

A: 蔡文姬 (Cai Wenji)


(Who does the nickname "bastard with three fathers" refer to?)

A: 呂布 (Lv Bu)


(Who was known as the wind of Zhou Yafu?)

A: 徐晃 (Xu Huang)

69. 孫權的夫人是誰?

(Who is Sun Quan's wife?)

A: 步練師 (step trainer)

70. 東吳最後一代皇帝是誰?

(Who is the last emperor of the state Wu?)

A: 孫皓 (Sun Hao)

71. 孫堅死于與誰的戰鬥?

(Who did Sun Jian fight with and die?)

A: 黃祖 (Huang Zu)

72. 誰施法戲弄了曹操?

(Who played tricks on Cao Cao?)

A: 左慈 (Zuo Ci)

73. 關羽過五關斬了幾個將?

(How many heroes did Guan Yu slay after five passes?)

A: 6

74. 龐德被關羽用什麼計策擊退?

(What strategy did Pang De use to defeat Guan Yu?)

A: 水淹 (water logging)

75. 劉備之前一代的益州牧是誰?

(Who was the protector of Yizhou before Liu Bei?)

A: 劉璋 (Liu Zhang)

76. 誰不是曹操手下的五子良將?

(Which of the following  is not the hero of Cao Cao's Five Good Generals?)

A: 典韋 (Dian Wei)

77. 凌統的父親名字叫什麼?

(What is the name of Ling Tong's father?)

A: 凌操 (Ling Cao)

78. 東吳的歷代領導者不包括?

(Which of the following was not the leader of state Wu?)

A: 孫尚香 (Sun Shangxiang)

79. 誰是關羽的馬前卒?

(Who was Guan Yu's pioneer?)

A: 周倉 (Zhou Cang)



【遊戲】RO 仙境傳說:新世代的誕生 隱藏任務 (帥氣大俠時裝入手)

【遊戲】Bubble Word Season 攻略2 (Level 51-75)